31 Oct | India My Love | No Comments

Good News! Indians Do not require Visa to Visit Brazil Now.

Recently, Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro said that the South American nation will drop its Visa requirement for Indian/ Chinese tourists/ business people. He came to power at the beginning of the year and has made it a policy to reduce visa requirements from a number of developed countries. Bolsonaro made this announcement during an official ...


25 Oct | India My Love | No Comments

Sailing the Nile River: Felucca or riverboat? | IML Travel

Travelling to Egypt without spending time on the Nile would be like going to Italy and not seeing the Colosseum or visiting India and not stopping by Taj Mahal.   Having said that deciding a lot of things and other questions pops into your head. For instance, when’s the best time to go? How long ...


18 Oct | India My Love | No Comments

Egyptian Museum in Cairo: Tour the Amazing Museum of Antiquites

Known as the “Museum of Egyptian Antiquities”, Egyptian Museum houses the world’s biggest collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts.   This museum is widely visited by tourists as it is conveniently located in the capital city of Cairo. Moreover, Cairo has country’s primary international airport, which means that most Egypt tours starts and end here. This ...


15 Oct | India My Love | No Comments

Why you should not visit these Egyptian Museums at Cairo Citadel!

Also known as the Saladin Citadel of Cairo, today we’ll visually tour one of the most famous monuments of Egypt. Further tell you everything you need to know to plan your visit.   Settled high upon a hill above Egypt’s Capital, tourists interested into Islamic Cairo will find a medieval citadel full of architectural wonders. ...


11 Oct | India My Love | No Comments

Wait is over! Hindon Airport near Delhi finally begins its operation today.

Whenever someone refers to the word ‘airport’, the first name that comes in our mind is the Indira Gandhi International Airport, right? Well, that’s now about to change ‘cause Delhi’s wait for its second airport is finally over!   After eight month long wait, Hindon Airport near Delhi finally begins its operation on 11 October, ...


9 Oct | India My Love | No Comments

Russian Women Pray For Ancestors by Offering ‘Pind Daan’ In Gaya River

Six Russian women have presented Pind Daan in Gaya in Bihar to honour and pray for their ancestors.   Every year, thousands come to Gaya and offer 'pind daan' to their perished ancestors to pray for their souls.   Most Hindus believe that the souls of the dead are happy during the 'shradh' period to seek ...



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